

Experience the thrill of kayaking on Rio Formoso

Experience adventure and excitement as you descend through the rapids of Rio Formoso, passing through three breathtaking waterfalls with a refreshing stop for a swim. The location offers a variety of activities including boat trips, float cross, and stand-up paddle, ensuring a day packed with fun and adventure.


Many destinations in one.

This is Mato Grosso do Sul.

Experience the ultimate blend of adventure and tranquility by exploring one of the world’s top ecotourism and adventure destinations…

The Pantanal, a natural reserve of unparalleled exuberance and diversity, has earned UNESCO’s recognition as a Natural Heritage of Humanity….

Campo Grande, the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, is a city of wide streets, rich culture, and abundant nature,…

Ipe’s Pathway in Mato Grosso do Sul offers a breathtaking hike through the stunning landscapes of the region, surrounded by…
