Discover Mato Grosso do Sul

Unique places and unforgetable memories

Bonito | Serra da Bodoquena

Experience the ultimate blend of adventure and tranquility by exploring one of the world’s top ecotourism and adventure destinations. Indulge in the region’s rich culture

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Campo Grande

Campo Grande, the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, is a city of wide streets, rich culture, and abundant nature, offering visitors a unique and

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Ipês’ Pathway

Ipe’s Pathway in Mato Grosso do Sul offers a breathtaking hike through the stunning landscapes of the region, surrounded by the vibrant colors of the

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Pantanal Sul Mato Grossense The Pantanal, a natural reserve of unparalleled exuberance and diversity, has earned UNESCO’s recognition as a Natural Heritage of Humanity. Situated

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